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Preparing for Multi-Day Hiking
質問2024年04月15日 19:59 (2024年04月15日 23:10更新)
Hello fellow adventurers!
As I gear up for an upcoming multi-day hiking expedition, I'm seeking advice and insights from the experienced hikers in this community. What are your essential tips and recommendations for preparing for a multi-day hike? From packing essentials to meal planning, route navigation to safety precautions, I'm eager to learn from your expertise. Share your tried-and-tested strategies, must-have gear recommendations, and any valuable lessons learned from your own hiking adventures. Let's pool our knowledge and ensure that we're all well-prepared for our next outdoor adventure. Looking forward to hearing your insights!
回答2024年04月15日 23:10
Firstly, clarify when and where you are going. That determines what is essential for your safe, and joyful mountain trip. Satisfy minimal demand for sleeping, eating, walking, and self rescue.
If you are ready to be overloaded, then, consider demand for comfort. Otherwise, just stick to the minimal demand. You can Google many resources on what is essential per season or destination.
I'm talking nothing special. Hiking is a kind of seculded lifestyle and thus, you need to be self-dependent enough. Drive your own way. One size doesn't fit all.